# passwd : change the password (the first thing you should do right after we give you your VPS)
# yum update -y :update the system (make sure your VPS get latest updates)
# yum search <name of the searched package> : search a package name
# yum info <package name> : see the package info
# yum install <name of the installed package> -y : install the package
# yum remove <name of the uninstalled package> -y : uninstall
# yum install epel-release -y :install an eple package from yum (the easiest way to install an eple repository is from yum)
# wget <link> : download folders
# mkdir <new folder name> : creat a folder
# rmdir <deleted folder name> : delete a folder
# ls : see folder content (add -a to see the whole content including hidden files, add -l to show all information)
# cd <folder name> : move to other folders(eg: you in root want to move to the folder /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ , you type
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/)
# cd .. : back to father folders
# cd - : back to the previous folders
# pwd : see the location (eg: you are in the folder /network-scripts/ , you type pwd then it'll show /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts)
# cp <source folder name> <goal folder name> : copy folders (not for folders containing chilld folders)
# cp -r <source folder name> <goal folder name> :copy all folders (for folders containing child folders)
# mv <source folder name> <goal folder name> : move folders (not for folders containing child folders)
# mv -r <source folder name> <goal folder name> : move all folders (for folders containing childe folders)
*note : source folders will be child folders of the goal folders
# touch <new file name> : creat new files
# find <folder to find> -name <searched file> : find file
# cat < file name> : see file content
# nano <file name> :edit files
# cp <source file name> <goal file name> :copy file (eg :you have file vd.txt which you want to copy to /etc/sysconfig/ then you type
cp vd.txt /etc/sysconfig
# tar -xvf <unzipped file name> : unzip tails .tar
# top :show activities of the progress, especially info on system resources and the use of resources by each stage of the progress
# ps : test the running progress system
# pstree : show all progress in form of a tree
# kill : stop the progress when the server is down
# sleep : inactivate the system for a while
# useradd <user name> : creat a new user
# passwd <user name> : set a password for the newly-created user
# userdel <user name> : delete a user
# groupadd <group name> : creat groups
# gpasswd <group name> :set a password for the newly-created group
# groupdel <> : delete groups
# who : inform who is logging in the system
# clear : clear the screen
# date : see the time
# history : see the log