Visit java download page Click here
Click on Java download icon
Click on the words Accept License Agreement
Select the product that you want to download and click on it. Here you choose Jdk-8-u73-linux-x64.rpm
Look down at the right corner of your browser, right-click on it and select pause
Enter download section, right-click on the paused link and select 'copy link address'
Paste the copied link on wget command to download
When Download is completed, use ls command and there will come a list named jdk-8u73-linux-x64.rpm?AuthParam=1457880577_..
To solve this problem, you just rename the file extension into .rpm and then you can insatll as usual
Use the command # mv <old file name> <new file name>
Use the command # rpm -Uvh <file.rpm> to install
# rpm -Uvh jdk-8u73-linux-x64.rpm
Test the result with the command # java -version