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How to install cpanel on centos 6
cPanel is the most common and powerful web hosting management system on Linux pl... more
How to install zabbix agent on centos (system tracking web 2)
The next post about Zabbix. This post will instruct you how to install and confi... more
How to install zabbix on centos (system tracking web 1)
Zabbix is an ultimate enterprise software designed to track realtime of millions... more
How to install Nagios on CentOS 6 (system tracking web)
I.Preparation Install epel and remi repositories. Reference link here Click Her... more
How to install ruby ,ruby gem ,rails on centos
Ruby is... A dynamic programming language and open source, focusing on simplicit... more
How to install jira on centos (plan management web)
I.Preparation Install java , reference link here Click here (https://support.ma... more
How to insatll tomcat on centos
Link to download tomecat versions from 6 to 9 Click here (http://mirrors.digipow... more
How to install java on centos
Visit java download page Click here (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/java... more
How to install postfix, dovecot and squirrelmail on centos(web mail)
I.Preparation 1 parameter vps DOMAiN=maxserver.net IP= GATEWAY... more
How to install RoundCube on centos 6 ( web mail)
I.Preparation Install epel repository. Reference link here click here (https://... more
How to install Zimbra 8 on Centos 6 (web mail)
I.Preparation Vps installed with epel and remi repositories, reference link here... more
How to install Owncloud (cloud storage)
OwnCloud is a client-server software for creating and using file storage service... more
How to set NGINX as Proxy for Apache
The combination of nginx and apache I.Preparation Install all epel and remi re... more
How to install PHPMyAdmin on CentOS 6 (for LEMP)
PhpMyAdmin is an open source used to manage MySQL through a web browser. You can... more
How to install LEMP ( NGINX, PHP-FPM, MARIADB) on  centos 6
I. Preparation Install epel and remi repositories . Get the reference link her... more
How to install PHPMyAdmin on CentOS 7 (for LAMP)
Features of phpMyAdmin : Friendly web interface Support almost all MySQL funct... more
How to install LAMP (APACHE-PHP-MARIADB) on centos 7
I.Preparation Install epel and remi repositories. Get the reference link here C... more
How to install PHPMyAdmin on CentOS 6 (for LAMP)
Features of phpMyAdmin : Friendly web interface Support almost all MySQL funct... more
How to install LAMP and creat VirtualHost(APACHE-PHP-MYSQL) on centos 6
I. Preparation Install epel and remi repositories. Get reference link Click Her... more
How to install PHPMyAdmin on Ubuntu 14 ( for LAMP)
Features of phpMyAdmin : Friendly web interface Support almost all Hỗ trợ hầu hế... more
How to install LAMP (APACHE-PHP-MYSQL) on Ubuntu 14
Step1: Install Apache Update Ubuntu software package with the latest version wi... more
How to install PHPMyAdmin on Ubuntu 14 (for LEMP)
Features of phpMyAdmin : Friendly web interface Support almost all MySQL functio... more
How to install LEMP (NGINX-PHP-MYSQL) on Ubuntu 14
Step 1: Install Apache Update the Ubuntu software package to the latest version... more
How to install epel and remi repositories on centos
Yum repository is not always enough for you to use. You need to add some reposit... more