OwnCloud is a client-server software for creating and using file storage services. OwnCloud functions similarly Dropbox and widely-used. The main difference is that OwnCloud is a free open source and therefore allows anyone to install and operate it for free on a private server with no limits on storage space (except for disk space or account quotas) or the number of connected customers
Vps installed with epel and remi repositories, reference link here Click here
Vps installed with LAMP ,reference link here Click here
Visit the page https://owncloud.org/ and follow instructions to get the download link
Here you right-click on the position number 1 and click on the position number 2
Here you can copy the link. Now you use the command wget and paste the copied link on it to download OwnCloud files
We recommend you should creat a download folder to store the downloaded files
# mkdir /download
# cd /download
# wget https://download.owncloud.org/community/owncloud-9.0.2.tar.bz2
After downloading you will get a zipped file which is owncloud-9.0.2.tar.bz2. You use the tar command to unzip it
# tar -xvf owncloud-9.0.2.tar.bz2
Note: If you've not created VirtualHost then use the method A . Otherwise you use the method B
# Method A : VPS not installed with VirtualHost
After unzipping you'll have the file /download/owncloud which contains files of OwnCloud , you'll move all files in /download/owncloud to the default folder containing apache web code /var/www/html/
The command is as follows
# mv /download/owncloud/* /var/www/html/
The sign * after the word owncloud/ represents all subfolders and files of owncloud parent folder
# Method B : VPS installed with VirtualHost
As the previous post you've created and configure VirtualHost so that the folder /home/webdata/maxserver.net/public_html contains web codes
You move all files in /download/owncloud to the folder /home/webdata/maxserver.net/public_html instead of default folder containing apache web code /var/www/html/
# mv /download/owncloud/* /home/webdata/maxserver.net/public_html
Set up Mysql
Log in Mysql
# mysql -u root -p
Creat a database called owncloud
mysql> CREATE DATABASE owncloud;
Grant the owncloud data's user to 'owncloud' and password 'Passdata'
mysql> GRANT ALL ON owncloud.* to 'owncloud'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'Passdata';
mysql> exit
Visit http://ip-vps if the result comes out like this, you've succeeded
Note: The first login does not have user and password, you enter info about mysql which you've just set up
Synchronize data to clients' computers
Creat a link from ownCloud to clients' computers
Visit ownCloud web page which is là https://owncloud.org và and follow instructions to downoad installation software and install as usual