Features of phpMyAdmin :
Friendly web interface
Support almost all MySQL functionality:
Browse and drop the database, tables, viewpoints, fields and indexes
Creat, copy, drop, rename and change the database, tables, viewpoints, fields and indexes
Manage MySQL users and monopolies
Import data from CSV and SQL
Export data in various formats such as CSV , SQL , XML , PDF , ISO / IEC 26300 - OpenDocument Text and speadsheet, Word , LATEX and others
Manage multiple servers
Update the latest packages
# apt-get update -y
You need one Ubuntu VPS installing LEMP, preference link Click here
Type the following command to install phpMyAdmin
# apt-get install phpMyAdmin -y
During the installation, PHPMyAdmin will display an interfave for you to select, you select Apache2
Then select Yes to set the initial password for phpMyAdmin.
When the installation is completed, for Nghinx web servers to search and serve phpMyAdmin files correctly, you just need to creat a link from installing files to the root document folder of Nginx by typing
# ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /usr/share/nginx/html
Creat the link between PHP module mcrypt and Phpmyadmin
# php5enmod mcrypt
# service php5-fpm restart
Now you can visit phpMyAdmin with the link http://IP-VPS/phpmyadmin