Yum commands on centos 6
how to use: yum [option] command
Command listDanh sách các lệnh:
check Check problems in rpmdb
check-update Check packaged update versions
clean Delete saved data
deplist List of dependencies of the package
distribution-synchronization Synchronize package settings up to the available latest version
downgrade Downgrade a package
erase Erase a package or the package from your system
groupinfo Show all info about a group of packages
groupinstall Install packages of a group on your system
grouplist List of available packages
groupremove Remove packages of a group from your system
help Show a helping message
history History of display or use or transaction
info Display detailed info about a package or a group of packages
install Install a package or a group of packages on your system
list List of packages or a group of packages
load-transaction Download a transaction-input a transaction from a saved file name
makecache Creat super cache data
provides Find what the package provides
reinstall Re-install a package
repolist Display configuration software stores
resolvedep Resolve the package providing dependencies
search Search a package
shell Sell an interactive yum
update Update a package or a group of packages on your system
upgrade Update packages to get obsoletes to your account
version Display versions
List of optionsDanh sách các Tùy chọn:
-h, --help inform helps
-t, --tolerant tolerate errors
-C, --cacheonly completely run on the cache of the system, not update the cachenhớ cache
-c [config file], --config=[config file] location of configuration file
-R [Phút], --randomwait = [phút] maximum waiting time
-e [error level], --errorlevel=[error level] level of error
-y, --assumeyes answer 'y' to all questions
--version display yum version
--installroot = [path] install root settings
--enablerepo = [repo] enable one or many repositories (representing characters allowed
--disablerepo = [repo] disable one or many repositories(representing characters allowed)
--noplugins disable plugin Yum
--nogpgcheck disable gpg signature check
--disableplugin = [Plugin] disable plugin according to its name
--enableplugin = [Plugin] enable plugin according to its name
--skip-chia skip packages with problems around depsolving
--color = COLOR controll the use of colours
--releasever = RELEASEVER set the quality of releasever in yum configuration and repo file
--setopt = SETOPTS set an arbitrary configuration and repo options